Club Entry Process
Entering the relay is much easier if you have all the required information to hand. So we thought it would be helpful to let you know what is needed before you start.
Entries for these events must be received by 9pm Monday, 18th September, 2023. There are no late entries accepted and remember you will be able to change details at the race briefing meeting.
For all teams, you will need:
Team name
Full contact details of the team leader (email address and phone number)
Full name of each runner (first name, surname)
The lap each team member is running
Date of Birth of each runner
For people entered in the Masters grades (aged 35 years or older) then the age of each runner is their age on race day
For all members to be registered with Athletics NZ if entering the National Road Relay as well as Loburn 68. This only applies to club runners.
Club / Organisation the team is representing
An estimated 10km time (on flat) for each of the people in an 8 person-relay team OR
An estimated half-marathon or full marathon time for the 2-person relays respectively
We don’t need times for those in the 6-person relay (Rakahuri or Loburn 39) as there is no cut off.
Teams can be mixed gender and age grades. Mixed gender teams run in their respective men’s grades. Mixed age teams are graded according to the youngest member. If you are unsure, please refer to the rules, or contact the organiser.
Senior Men’s and Women’s teams who are also competing in the National Road Relay must be 17 years or older at the end of the year. Teams requiring age-dispensation must complete this Age Dispensation Request Form which will be considered by the Athletics NZ Board.
Teams wanting to compete in the 2-person (Kia Kaha) relay must have all team members 20 years or over respectively
Junior teams in the 6 person (Rakahuri or Loburn 39) relay must have all members a minimum of 14 years and a maximum of 19 years at 31st December (of that year).
Masters 50, 60 and 70 grades must have all team members 50, 60 years and 70 years or older on race day respectively.
Each person entered in the two-person and four-person relays will be asked for an indicative 10km time on flatish ground. The organisers may refuse entry if the organisers believe the team will finish outside cut-off time limits.
All ready to go then:
If you are in a running club get your club race secretary to enter via the CLUB REGISTRATION portal below and pay for your team. Clubs can pay directly into the Athletics Canterbury bank account - 03 0802 0120741 00. Please put your club name as reference.
If you are a Community team (i.e. you don’t belong to an Athletics NZ affiliated club) then continue VIA the COMMUNITY TEAM ENTRY button.